The Power of Community

The Power of Community

In a world where the phrase “less is more” is also used to emphasize individualism. However, the power of community and connection cannot go unnoticed. Although everyone has the freedom to choose to go through life alone, there are profound benefits that come from...
Looking back on the “wake” of 2023

Looking back on the “wake” of 2023

With the new year just around the corner we are taking a moment to summarise the events that have unfolded in the past months. 2023 has been another busy year for us at The Gryphon Foundation.  We have conducted multiple profiling sessions throughout the year amongst...
Stepping Up!

Stepping Up!

According to google a comfort zone is a psychological state where people are at ease, in control of their environment and experiencing low levels of anxiety and stress.  Naturally, human beings are wired to avoid anxiety and stress.  “All growth starts at the end of...
Managing Ourselves within Time

Managing Ourselves within Time

Firstly, we can all agree that we cannot create nor control time.  Although, there are certain life experiences that may give a sense of time being in slow motion, but it can never actually stop. Since we cannot manipulate time, we can surely manage ourselves within...
Check Up

Check Up

You sit on the examination table and feel your nerves tingle even though this is a check-up.  The doctor’s gaze adds to the tension, and you start to question if you have been taking all the medication he prescribed. At this time of the year with December waving from...
Stuck in traffic?

Stuck in traffic?

A limiting belief can affect us to such a great extent that it becomes the channel through which we decide. That channel is narrow, and the narrowed vision blurs out the various options we have when making a decision. For instance, consider a scenario where you are...