“Criticizing a musician is easy, but it is more difficult when you have a guitar in your hand” – A Chilean saying

Criticism will often meet us at the door of our big audacious goals, but the appreciation of our efforts welcomes discovery and growth.

Our Founder, Mr. Jacques van Heerden can be heard preaching about the power in the “little big” things. We imagine this is like taking your time in viewing a particular painting in an art gallery; you pay close attention to the finer details of the artwork because you understand that beauty is revealed by the observer.

According to research published in Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity and the Arts in 2017, “The average person spends just over 27 seconds looking at a great work of art”. This is way too little! This makes us wonder if people apply the 27-second rule to their own tasks and accomplishments towards achieving their vision. Thus, continually short-changing the beauty they are creating.

This is a call to pause and appreciate the beauty you have created for a little longer than 27 seconds thereby, accentuating the infinite and glorious possibilities within the finer details of your life.

Looking back, what body of work can you appreciate for over 27 seconds?

If you want to join us on our journey towards reaching our Big Hairy Audacious Goals step into our Gryphon Institute applications.

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To those who believe